Come With, an activity app for elder users.
App Design
Research; contextual inquiry, impact/effort matrix, empathy map, personas
According to the CDC, more than a quarter of US adults over the age of fifty are consistently inactive. On top of not reaching even moderate levels of required physical activity, high levels of loneliness and social isolation can also be found in elder adults, resulting in increased risks of both dementia and premature death.
Come With targets both the issues of inactivity and loneliness faced by elder adults by connecting them to activity groups in their areas. These groups can accommodate to the physical and social capabilities and to the desires of the user. The groups and activities will also cultivate stronger communities, in hopes to continue the cycle of involvement and activity by the users.
Doing research for this project was illuminating and inspiring for the creation of a meaningful app. Given the target user, special attention had to be payed to certain aspects of design. For example, given the target user, a minimum point size of 16 or larger and contrasting colors were used throughout the entire app design.
Research included a contextual inquiry, impact/effort matrix, empathy map, and personas. Some can be seen below.
Contextual Inquiry
An interview with different potential users to determine specific needs and usability.
One discovery was to include a notification and reminder setting to make the app more functional to those with memory loss.
Other discoveries included the addition of more filters in the activity search, and changing the app from a messaging app to a more personalized one with notification settings.

A study on what a target user says, feels, thinks, and does to determine effectiveness and goals of the App.

Impact / Effort Matrix
An arrangement, based on research, of the impact of certain aspects on the app, with regards to effort of the user. This study determines priority of app elements.

Final App Pages

Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
App Design